What does 53% of Americans Have In Common with Steve Jobs?

What does 53% of Americans Have In Common with Steve Jobs?

If you are guessing that 53% of Americans wear New Balance as their to-go footwear then yes, you are absolutely wrong, and if your 2nd guess is having an iPhone you may or may not be right. So, now since I have you guys wondering a little more than half of Americans do not have a college degree. In fact, big companies such as Uber, Dell, Facebook, Dropbox, Whatsapp, and Twitter founders do not have a college degree.

A college degree is not needed to be successful. Since the internet became a thing in the 60s it made success a little more attainable and endless resources at your fingers tips. There are more companies that are no longer requiring a four-year degree. Shocking but becoming a regular thing I have seen a lot more roles requiring a bachelor's degree for call center positions. If you're like me then you probably looking around confused and questioning people's thought process.

Have you asked yourself what high paying jobs could I get without a college degree? Well, I am glad you have asked. There are probably more than you think. In the real world opposed to what some of us were told there are plenty of jobs out there that won't put you in debt and ranking out student loans like many of us. Check out some tech jobs that can land you a 6 figure yearly salary by just learning and educating yourself free or by taking online classes.

✎ Aerospace engineering and operations technicians

  • The starting income is $66,000 which can lead to earning over $100,000 yearly salary.
  • Even though the title sounds very high-tech and complex you only need an associate's. If you are a space geek like myself and grew up watching reruns of Star Trek but not Star Wars that is for children then you would love this job. You will be operating and caring for equipment used to build and test aircraft and spacecraft.

✎ Mobile app developer

  • In today's world it seems like every person you know needs an app so that should tell you that it is a major need for App Developers that may never go away. On the low end of the scare a Mobil app developer could make up to $76,000 (Glassdoor) but honestly, I believe you can double that at the beginning of your career if you educate yourself.

✎ Computer user support specialist

  • If you don't quite know where to start but you know you want to get into the tech industry Computer user support specialist may be a fit for you. This role provides technical assistance to the user by answering questions and problem-solving computer issues. You can do this role via phone or over chat. The starting out yearly salary is $52,000 (BLS)

✎ Junior data analyst

  • I don't think data will ever go out of style. It is getting bigger with every new website and app deploying which is every day it seems like. The average salary is $52,000 (Glassdoor). Even the entry-level positions are securing the bag. To give you a little insight into what a Junior Data Analyst does they translate numbers into plain English. So

There are so many opportunities to learn for free now especially during our current pandemic. We have endless zoom classes (free), online classes (paid), Facebook groups whose members are willing to assist you and point you in the right direction. Slack and discord is also a huge asset. In the tech world what I've learned that people are willing to help you in any way they can.